Thursday, July 31, 2003

The situation in Liberia is deteriorating!!!!!

The situation in Liberia is deteriorating, There has been reports of women been raped on both sides of the conflict. These are some of the terrible vices that innocent victims have to endure. Every faction engaged in the civil war within Liberia and neighboring countries must be brought to justice. David Crane, you are our only hope for these low, selfish, no fear of God, Idiots to be brought to justice. How can you explain the great wrong they are perpetrating against our people? This is an excerpt from the MSNBC you can read further:
Rape adds dread for war- ruined Liberia’s women. “Both sides in the West African country's war rape as casually as they loot, kill or lob munitions into populated districts, where the victims are almost always civilians.

The Hindustan times The United States has asked the Security Council to authorize immediate deployment of a multinational force with robust mandate to bring peace and enable humanitarian aid to be delivered in war-torn Liberia. This is exactly what I personally had hoped for. With a force sponsored by the UN, we can hope to achieve at least an ounce of lasting peace. All this quick fix stuff don't work.
God bless Liberia.

Thursday, July 24, 2003


I am utterly furstrated with the freaking situation in Liberia. The rebels won't stop fighting, Taylor won't leave until internation troops arrive, the US won't commit troops until Taylor leaves, and more and more innocent people are indeed dying.

What a pitty!! can't we as Liberians wake up?! Can't we understand that the Americans don't have any interest in our country? Maybe if we were Europeans, we might get some form or US intervention.

Let stop fighting yah my people!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2003

I strongly doubt the current trend of things going on in Liberia. I am still a pessimist about the US role in regards to the current conflict. As to the US sending troops to Liberia, I am not convinced this will ever become a reality. George Bush is only a puppet. He went to Africa while the African Union were having their annual meeting, and did not address the African heads of states as a body. How could he pull such a stun?

The whole idea of the peacekeepers going to Liberia is not going to guarantee Liberians peace. ECOMOG was there in 1990, Amos Sawyer and his band of thieves were there as an Interim body, all of this was a fiasco; we still haven’t seen sustainable peace.

Hopefully things will work this time around; I pray that it indeed work. But personally, I have a lot of doubts.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Greetings folks. I have been to hell and back. The rest of my family have arrived in the states and it has been running here and there. It is all good. I am sorry for the long absence, this can be attributed to some personal matters. Whatz up with the peace in liberia? Can't president Taylor leave his post in the name of peace? I am sick and tired of having to live with the knowledge that people in my beloved contry are dying, when all of this can be prevented.

I hope that the international peace force arrives in the capital as soon as possible, to prevent further blood bath. Mr. Bush has emphatically said that Taylor must leave so that the Liberian people can have peace. I think we as a people deserves peace.

I hope he listen to the international community and leave. Bush is the worse man to mess with now.

I wish you all a beautiful day. I also started a photo log. You can check it out.

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